Monday, January 14, 2008


Harini is just another day in 2008, but somehow, I see it differently. Despite aku bangun dgn rase mengantuk yg amat sgt (Monday blues) tapi aku tetap gagahkan diri pegi keja…somehow deep inside me, ada satu ‘push’ yg buat aku bangun dan bersiap ke ofis. Aku rase harini sgt lain, my mind is open and I’m more committed to my responsibilities. Ni la agaknya efek pegi Basic Training, workshop yg aku pegi dr 9hb sampai semlm (13hb.) And I already have been thinking about some people...people whom I met at the training, Nina, Huzaifa, Dennis, Wiri, Raj, Kit Leong, Rickie, Zulkifle, Devina, Azleen, Jane, Ada, not to forget the ‘loud’ ones Tareeq, Anuar, Jaja, Jerome (he’s French by the way, Mr Looove hahaha), Robert, Wayson, Joo, Jie also the team Rahmat, Niesa, Sandra, May, Alvin, Jennifer, and of cos Mr. Gordon. It’s another moment to be remembered in my life.

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