Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Trip to JB

Skang aku ade kat JB. Takde la aku update blog kat JB, tapi buat entry je dulu, save, then post bile dah sampai KL. Aci tak mcm tu? Hehehe. Takkan nak guna internet kat business center tu, mahal gile seh, seminit RM1.90. so kalau aku pakai 10 minit, dah RM12! Sementara nak log in blog, nak tunggu page loading…dah dekat 10 minit.

Aku dok kat hotel ni kat JB, cuba teka hotel apa hehehe

Aku buatpe kat JB? Ade workshop daa…bukan aku attend workshop, tapi aku organize workshop. Jangan tanya apsal, kalau nak tau, pegi tanya bos aku yg rambut blonde tu hohoho. Dan mase kat JB, ade org belanja makan ayam penyet (thanks!), pelik kan namanye? :P

Btw, ade satu citer tak best siang tadi. Utk launching workshop ni, bos aku dah mintak GM Johor jadik wakil kompeni dan initially dia kate OK. Tetiba semlm malam (kate bos aku la) baru GM Johor tu emel, katanye takleh pegi, kena jumpa kementerian. So pagi tadik bos aku soh aku call ofis GM Johor tu, reconfirm. Bila aku call, secretary GM tu kate, dia taktau apa² pun. Aiks, bos tak inform apa² kat secretary ke? Secretary tu kate, GM dia ade event lain, event dgn kementerian (as told to my bos). OK, fine with me.

Suddenly after few hours, I got a call from a Johor number. “Encik, Encik R****n nak cakap.” Huh? Peliknya, suddenly GM Johor tu nak ckp dgn aku. “OK” aku jwb kat secretary tu lantas dia put me tru to the GM. Lps jwb salam aku, GM tu kate (lebih kurang mcm ni la) “why u call my secretary to investigate my schedule?” Wahhh…apehal plak mamat ni, tetiba je naik angin. “Puan M****m yg mintak saya call, nak konfemkan yg Encik R takleh dtg workshop esok.” “If she wants to know, ask her to call me directly. And I told you that I can’t come, do u think I’m lying?!” Eh eh…tak pasal² plak aku yg kena marah. Ade aku ckp ko menipu ke? “One more thing I want to inform u, u simply asked us at the state to come to your event, please don’t think that we don’t have no work here, nothing else to do or less work. We got so many things to do here, ok?” Laa…aku tak ckp pun ko takde keja, ke ko mmg takde keja??? “sori la Encik R, maybe we inform u a bit last minute” (which apparently not, 2 days before, ok la kan?). “Hah, OK” and the GM hung up. Demmm…screw you!!!


Anonymous said...

waaa.. u have tasted our GM's medicine.. sian kau..


Anonymous said...

En Saiful,2 days mmg last minit ok?

-mommy mirza