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Reel Review VIII
Malam Krismas aku balik awal dr ofis dan pegi tgk citer ni kat TGV KLCC. Dok ofis pun bukannya ada org hohoho. Citer ni not bad, penuh saspen especially part kejar-mengejar…dah la guna kereta Merz, habis jahanam kereta mahal huhuhu. Part diorg solving the mysteries dan looking for the treasure pun OK, aku rase better than the earlier sequel. Tapi it all happened so fast, dr clue A ke clue B ke clue C mcm cepat sgt sampaikan kita mungkin tak dpt pikap, “what was that again? Apa kaitan clue ni dgn yg tadi tu?” Tapi not bad laa, so sape² yg suka adventure movies should watch this one. Bila tgk citer² adventure mcm ni, teringat kat Indiana Jones, the best!! Hehehe…Anyway, the actors are OK, storyline pun not bad cuma don’t ask me what treasure were they looking for, link banyak sgt hahahah. So aku tgk citer ni as it is je :P Rating: B
KLCC malam tu ramai org, sume buat last minute christmas shopping kot…tapi surprisingly kat movie tak ramai, takde beratur panjang sampai melimpah². Agaknya org sume nak tunggu santa claus dtg kat umah bawak hadiah hohoho. Tapi santa tak dtg umah aku pun…
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